Fact or Fiction: Dating Online is like sending out Job Applications

We are not saying that dating can be compared to job applying, but it could be a decent example.

Sounds intimidating? Don’t let it deter you, if like a job, the profile you are attracted to seems a little out of your league, whether higher or lower. Simply like a job, read the list of requirements of the job, before applying for it, very thoroughly. If it is just one or two things that you do NOT have experience in, still, go ahead and send it off anyway.

First impressions are everything. For example, if a woman starts off by saying in the “About Me” section “I am Alice and I am 22, expecting a baby girl in November. I’m on here to find my other half whoever he might be. I’m not trying to rush into anything because I’m a packaged deal, and don’t want to get involved with someone who isn’t ready for an instant family.” Though this is an actual case, it is pretty extreme in showing that words can either invite people in or send them running. While this young lady should be applauded for her honesty, stating it so brutally will act as a repeller to any well thinking man. On a lesser scale there are several women who WRITE IN CAPS, describing who should not even bother contacting them. Caps are equivalent to shouting and though it might keep the jokers away, it might scare off a couple gentlemen, because their first impression of you would be of you shouting.

You don’t go to job interviews and start off by laying down conditions that you insist on having before finding out whether or not you have even gotten the job. Think of how strange it would seem, if you sat down in a job interview and decided to off the bat before even sitting down, ask for a raise. Take time out to do a little research. Before you write your profile, see what people your similar age and gender are saying about themselves. There is a right way and a wrong way of doing things, this includes also Online Dating and Interracial Dating, remember to always put your best foot forward, you never know who is waiting on the other side.